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A True Faerie Tale

The Eagle and The Mermaid is a magical story, for all ages, written by Christine Waters. It is 'A True Faerie Tale' and the telling of a Love Story.

Both metaphor and an actual account of events that transpired: The dreams, the Dolphin Castle, Lindy Bird, the years of the sleeping Eagle... These events all happened and are happening, still.

The audiobook is available for your listening, downloading and sharing. An illustrated children's book is in pre-production, to be available for purchase by the holidays of 2023.

'Original Lovers' - The Eagle and The Mermaid: An Autobiography is also potentially underway. Perhaps you have heard some of the story... We look forward to sharing more of a truly amazing journey, where the impossible actually happens and dreams become real.

With Love and Gratitude -

Steve & Christine

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